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The F BombCast: Episode 4: Tranny Vacation

Monday, July 21, 2008

Episode 4: Tranny Vacation

This week, Mr Manning has decided that spending time with his family is more important than all you faithful listeners. So instead of podcast gold, you get podcast bronze as I fill in for our intrepid co-pilot.

I was kind of nervous this week since I actually had to contribute 50% instead of the occasional zinger and after Episode three, I was hoping to bring back the funny. T and I talk about extended bowel moments, race, training your coworkers to leave you alone, my head exploding and just who is the "Billboard" (da DUH!!)?

*FBOMB Factoid: Pretzels and Peanut butter is a worse lunch than White Castle, which itself is much more depressing than filling a woman's mouth with throat yogurt.

Comic talk (and yes there is comic talk with just Dave) includes my review of Criminal Macabre #1. TJ talks the Invisibles TPB #3 and Y the Last Man #8 and also breaks the news the My Favorite Comic "Wormwood Gentleman Corpse" will be re-released in a new Deviant Edition. Also, just to shake things up, I even review a book...and BOOK book...Night Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko.

We have 2 count 'em 2 emails. The first comes from Sean (Hakkenden), BIG UPS Sean! The second comes to us from the tiny African nation of Burkina Faso. F-BombCast Worldwide.

At around the 40 minute mark it's Drunk Story time with Uncle Dave. This weeks story, "Dave and the Magic Attic."

The Douche-bag segment takes a strange turn when T tries to set me up to call his sweet baby girl an asshole and I somehow end up menacing her (COMPLETELY unintentional).

In the year 2002 quite possibly one of the shittier years in pop culture we've had to cover, TJ, Mike and I try to out-gay eachother with pics of Kylie Minogue, Pink and My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

The F'd up Five subject was the Top 5 Hardcore Bitches in Film. Much Love for Bad-ass bitches like Ellen Ripley, the Bride, Sarah Conner, deadly deadly little Miho, Mama Fratelli and Elenore Shaw (Angela Lansbury). Yes, Angela just have to listen.

Keep on rocking in the free world,

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