Geoff Johns is a funny guy. There are times when his fanboy nature is restrained (Green Lantern), present but subtle (Booster Gold) and then you have him at at his DC geek out free for all (JSA and Action Comics). This week's Justice Society Annual 1 is definately an example of latter.
Unlike alot of annuals this one actually ties into the current story arc in JSA in which GOG is granting everyone their fondest wish. Power Girl's, who is "last survivor of the multiverse" fondest wish is to go home. So poof she ends up back on Earth 2. Now here comes the part where anyone without a thorough understanding of silver and bronze age DC continuity is going to want to fling themselves off a tall building headfirst into a thumbtack. There are now 2 Justice Socities. The JSA that we know are the post-crisis "New Earth JSA" that resulted when Crisis on Infinite Earths streamlined the DCU. Power Girl was folded into the new continuity(forgetting her Earth 2 roots) but her Earth 2 cousin Superman was not he later died in Infinite Crisis but not before restoring Power Girl's memory of Earth 2 and with the help of Suprboy Prime the multiverse including Earth 2. Why I've gone crosseyed just writing that. Everyone take a five minute break.
Ok break over. Let me say right off the bat I loved this issue. The best thing about Johns is he can take elements from the Silver and Bronze Age and at least write the dialogue in a modern way while preserving the flavor. The JSA has always been my favorite super team even (sorry Becca) more than the X-Men. I remember reading All-Star Squadron back in the 80's so it is a big thrill for me to have Jerry Ordway (who drew that book) on pencils for this annual. Also I loved seeing the pre-crisis Infinity, Inc. as full fledged Justice Society (now Justice Society Infinity) members. Aside form the fact that Justice Society Infinity is perhaps an even dumber team name than Xtreme X-Men this was a real kick. Thats the best part of this issue its fun. It also corrects a problem that Johns has been evidencing in JSA of late. Too many characters. Johns is such a DC geek that it lately seems he's trying to cram as many charcaters as possible in one issue cause he's having such a blast. In This issue we get glimpses of the Earth 2 we knew and loved but its really Power Girl's and the Earth 2 Huntress's story. It also sets up some great potential for future issues.
If you are a DC newbie I advise staying away since you'll be totally confused. Old time fans however who might've drifted away from the JSA should pick this up. You'll feel like a kid again.
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