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The F BombCast: Superman: Who Let The Dog Out?

Friday, June 27, 2008

Superman: Who Let The Dog Out?

As all eight of you who actually listen to our podcast may know, I have some conceptual disagreements with the direction DC is taking the Superman books (not counting All-Star) in these days. I really loved the last issue of Action however and was seriously looking forward to James Robinson's run on Superman. Lo and behold I open up Superman 678 and what greets me on page one? Yes folks the goddamn dog. Worse we actually get a first person narration (in dog speak no less)from said superdog. Now comes the part where I threw up in my mouth. During a fun little game of frisbee with the dog and Hal Jordan Superman utters the following quote "I have the bestest dog ever". If you listen closely you can hear the sound of universes imploding. Come on guys seriously why are we back to this cheeseball nonsense?

If this were Morrison or Garth Ennis I could accept it cause they would be trying to make a satrical point but this was meant to be straightforward. I mean Jesus what next month, the Scooby Gang shows up and Superman helps them solve a mystery? Its bad enough that they have Luthor back in the damn suit (it was meant to sell toys in 1985 the momnet has passed) and Jimmy Olsen is back to his "Golly Gee Gosh Mr. Kent" way of talking but the dog is over the edge. Part of Superman's appeal for me is his isolation he is the LAST survivor of Krypton neither fully human or fully Kryptonian. Start throwing in everyone and their mother with the same powers (I'm looking at you Supergirl) and the character is diluted. DC had it nailed just right in the early 90's titles but the retro stuff is not working for me. I mean they have singlehandedly brought back everything the John Byrne reboot was meant to fix.

All is not lost however. Cheeseball shit aside the Superman cleanup squad is an interesting idea and the fight scenes were good. Throw in where Johns is going with Braniac and we may have something to salvage. I swear to God though if Beppo the Super Monkey shows up (Google it it was a real character)I am done with the franchise.


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