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The F BombCast: 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

X-Factor: Goodbye Larry

Its official X-Factor is in trouble. This pains me more than anyone will now. For a long time now Peter David has delivered the most consistently enjoyable satellite X-book on the stands. The characters have been spot on, hell he even managed to get some mileage out of the whole post House of M mess while everyone else was ignoring it. Then it happened. Messiah Complex. If this were a question on Jeapordy the answer would be "Joe Quesada suffers from this". By including X-Factor in Messiah Complex it kinds sorta knocked the book off its axis. Don't get me wrong David (who left the book back in the 90's because he hated crossovers) did his best but it just didn't feel right. Then came Secret Invasion. They were right when they said nothing will be the same because after the horrendous Secret Invasion tie in this book sucks. Between a mess of a tie in and the God Awful art from Larry Stroman, the book that I used to look forward to every month now makes me cringe.

All is not lost the recent Layla Miller one-shot was incredible. It also proves that when you leave Peter David alone and pair him with an artist who knows how to draw people who look like people it works. Bottom line Quesada, give Stroman his severance and leave X-Factor alone.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Episode 10: Nuthin' but an F-Bomb Baby...

ANYWAY...This cuddle filled episode features discussions of if Mike is EVER right, Journey, the anatomy of fowl, "Hooray Beer!," nudie bar memories, videogames and fantasy football and mullets, oh my. Mike even treats you lucky listeners with some song stylings from his rock god days.
Mike is still drinking from the seemingly endless case of Yuengling while TJ is enjoying some nice Newcastle Brown Ale.

Becca say "What?"
Becca seems to think that she and the Cuties exhausted their randy question quota for a while. So this week they "tone" it down a bit with the age old "Boxers or briefs" question. Her 2nd question gets a really good discussion about the boys' Holy Grail comic. She also provides us another drink recipe (lushie).

Blue Smurf Piss:
1/5 Shot Jagermeister
1/5 Shot Bacardi 151 Proof Rum
1/5 Shot Goldschlager
1/5 Shot Blue Curacao
Mixing Instructions: Pour as listed -- strain through ICE, this drink tastes better chilled

There's also dueling fan-mails as Hakk, clues us in on the origin of his forum name and tells us of Antler Brown Ale from Barley Creek Brewery near Camel Beach in PA.

The Boys #21 and the Boys in general (Dynamite)
Uncanny X-Men #501 (Marvel)
Martin Manhunter #0-36 (DC) *mike's E-Bay win
Bone Volume 3 (Scholastic)
Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds (DC)
Flash #243
Final Crisis: Revelations
Amazing Spiderman #568

One minute left in the period......
Well not really, but this IS the new segment. TJ forgets to prepare so he talks about the Journey/Heart/(eh...)Cheap Trick concert June 21st........come to think of it, the segment ran MUCH longer than a minute.

F'd up 5: Top 5 Driving Songs
You learn a lot about the FBomb boys by their choices in this category: Mike is a rock conseiur, TJ is an angry driver, I have to listen to happy/peppy music to "...keep me from killin' y'all," and Kevin......well Kevin (except for the Lords of Acid) is an old white grandmother (and Kev, don't complain I coulda called you queer). Also, Kevin finds a way to make teen girls unsexy.
Selections include:
Life is a Highway, Dragula, Nuthin' but a G-thang, Mr Blue Sky, Running on Empty, Get Up Offa' That Thing James Brown, Night Train, Blind by Korn, Possess Me by Lords of Acid, Fire Woman, Toxicity, I Get Around, AEnema, Radar Love and Nellie the Elephant by the Toy Dolls.

Who loves ya baby,

Your pal Dave

Friday, August 22, 2008

Episode 9: Phuck me? No, Phuck you...

Ladies (and gentleman if you'd like), keep a towel handy. This Episode features the return of the Rock 'em Sock 'em Racist himself, Dave (me)! Yes, folks THIS is the episode to listen to. TJ quits smoking, we learn the Origin of Phuckin' Dave, there's some boner-popping news about the Watchmen and some very upseting news about Watchmen, TJ tries AGAIN to try and justify his love of traveling pants, we discuss race relations, my Nellie-dog throws her two cents in and we introduce a new segment. Also, thank you to Sean (Hakkendon on the forums).

Beer, Beer, Beer, Blah.......
This is an "eh" week with beers folks as Mike is drinking Yuengling again and TJ felt that feeding his baby was more important than beer. I, however, did bring different to the table....the spicy delicious Chimay Rouge from the Belgian Trappist Monks.

Becca says What?
This week Becca (and the Cubicle Cuties too I suspect) ask about tatoos, nipple piercings, my apparent foot fetish, cock piercings......ow......ok no more of that.

FUCKing Dave?
Earlier in the show I tell about the origin of my nickname, Phuckin' Dave. Now I regale you lucky listeners with a tale of carnal pleasure. You'll have to listen to it yourself for all the delicious hotness, but lets just say honorable mentions include little leaguers, stroke victims, leggings, sex with the retarded, a park ranger and a very VERY full "water balloon."

Mike's Fucking Heart of Gold.
Co-host, Mike talks about cutting his Sampson-esque rock god hair for "Locks of Love." A sweet story till we get to Mike's puddy head and his wife identifying his corpse by feeling his mishaped skull between her legs. (hey, he said it not me)

One Minute Man
This new segment allows for the speaker to talk for 1 min. about whatever. This week is Mike's turn and he talks about the new Whitesnake album "Good to be bad."

Comics, comics, comics
Reviewed this week:
Welcome to Hoxford #1 (IDW)
Red Sonja #36 (Dynamite)
Y The Last Man TPB #10 (Vertigo)
Okko: The Cycle of Water (ASP)
The Bond of Saint Marcel (ASP)
The R.I.P. tie-ins (DC)
Action Comics #867 (DC)
Ultra TPD (Image)

Flash(ah ahhh)back: 1981

Movie: Evil Dead, Superman II, Mommy Dearest, Clash of the Titans, Stripes, Excalibur,
Night Riders, etc.....
TV: The Smurfs, The Greatest American Hero, Entertainment Tonight (yeach), Postman Pat and Simon & Simon
Music: In the Air Tonight by Phil Collins, The album Escape from Journey, Rush "Moving Pictures," and Billy Squire's "Don't Say No."

Ok going to drink some bers,

Keep your naughty bits clean,

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Final Crisis Legion of 3 Worlds

Its official I have run out of witty titles for these posts. Let me state this from the outset. I utterly loathe the Legion of Superheroes. I consider them an example of Pre-Crisis Silver Age DC at its most eggregiously cheesy. I never liked the way they were written or how they fit in in with the Superman dichotomy. When the first Crisis removed Superman's career as Superboy and thus his ever having been in the Legion I was relieved. I can no longer ignore the signs however. It has become apparent that DC and Geoff Johns in particular is determined to resurrect the Silver Age DCU in all its magnificent hokiness.

Believe it or not this is actually a positive review. Having said all of that it is a testament to Geoff Johns that he can take these charcaters that I utterly loathe and create a great story. Hence his recent Action Comics arc and today's subject Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds. The Final Crisis name is a bit misleading as it really has very little to do with what's going on in either the main series or the tie ins. but still its well written by Johns and beautifully drawn by George Perez. The basic gist is that after the recent upheavel in Action Comics with Earth-Man, the united planets want to disband the Legion (fine by me please make them go away for ever and ever). You also have Superboy Prime showing up in a very ironic and beautifully executed scene and making his prescence known by resurrecting the Legion of Super-Villians. The Legion of Super-Villians origin that comes out in this issue is a nice parallel to the Legion of Super Heroes origin which is back to pre-crisis.

What can I say Johns is a good writer he clearly loves the DCU and that comes through in everything he writes. This issue also does not exhibit a problem that Johns had been evidencing in JSA which is trying to cram too many charcaers into a single issue at the expense of any plot progression. The A and B plots involving the Legion's turmoils and Prime's arrival fit together nicely. That being said this is a wholly unnecessary issue in terms of the Crisis. I am a Superboy Prime fan hence my purchase of this issue but if you don't like the Legion but are torn beacuse you are reading FC and don't want to be lost don't bother with this. It is a good issue though and I for one will stick around and see how it plays out. One last thing. A personal appeal for Dan Didio. For the love of God Dan please give this man a Legion ongoing to write so I can ignore it and maybe Johns will stop having them show up constantly in the fifty other DC titles he writes that I do read. Bottom line Legion fans will love it. If you are a Legion fan the final scene will make you very happy.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Episode 8: Onamonapenis

He's not the show starter, he's not the show stopper, he's the WHOLE FUCKING SHOW! This episode features the return of Kevin to the show, which means he isn't phoning (emailing) it in this week folks. We return to happier days of innocence with the F5 Saturday Morning Cartoons. And in past episodes we've had on-air urination, well this week, please to enjoy on air ejaculation............

Beer, beer, wonderful beer, beer............

Nothing too fancy or obscure this week as TJ goes back to "number 9, number 9, number 9" Magic Hat #9, Kevin chooses "Ireland's Oldest Ale" Smithwicks, and from "America's Oldest Brewery" Mike delights in the Yuengling Lager.

Gentleman, start your engines:

The first segment involves self esteem and man on man daily affirmations (i.e., sugar pants, etc….). This leads into about a funny thing that happened to Kevin on the way to the forum involving vomit, Germans tourists, a migraine, the love that dare not speak its name, and handicap bus rides to hot lesbians, Mike the amazing ejaculating teen and finally bizarre foods (taylor ham, scrapple, tripe, turtle)

While we’re on the topic of food, we’ve got a care package from our favorite listener EVER, Rebecca O-H, who sent the show a box of assorted salted snacks from the great state of Ohio and Green Lantern toys.

Becca says “What?”

Our Lady of Ohio asks a trio of questions about a man’s pride and penial proclivities. We get a peak into Mike’s porn collection, explore Kevin’s issues with the word “penis,” and public bathroom etiquette

Why are men so fascinated by lesbians?

Why do men insist on naming their penises?

Do all men measure their organ? And why does this number matter?

Why do some men not flush the urinal? And why to they miss?

We also get a SECOND EMAIL from a different person. This time it’s from an old friend of TJ, Kevin’s and mine, Chris. TJ and Kevin relieve some of Kevin’s past moments of cockblocking glory.

Comics, comics, comics

Mike ain’t read shit! A discussion on the accessibility in the Marvel U. to new readers with the idea of pre-Skrull (insert hero name) or post-Skrull (insert hero name) and how that compares to Final Crisis. Again is another tongue bath for Geoff Johns and Grant Morrison and BOOOOOOOO to Brian Michael Bendis. Mighty and New Avengers….one of these things is not like the other…..or are they? The merits of the shock and gross out factor in Garth Ennis’ writing (Crossed, the Boys, the Authority, Preacher). They also, delve into Marvel/Hulk continuity and how to succeed as a character in the DCU (ie. Azreal)? And TJ prognosticates on the future of the Bat-family.

Books reviewed:

Cable #6 (Marvel).
The Darkness Ultimate Collection (Top Cow).
Authority #1 by Abnett and Lanning (DC).
The Nightwing and Robin Batman R.I.P tie-ins
Green Lantern #33

There’s a “classic” rock break as TJ talks about the Jersey contingent’s upcoming trip to go see Journey and Mike rattles of band after band after band after *yaaaaaaawn………

The F’d up Five: Top 5 non-superhero Saturday Morning Cartoons

Maybe we should have been clearer on what a “superhero” cartoon was with submissions of the . But ANYWAY, selections are the Muppet Babies, the Smurfs, Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends, Dungeons and Dragons, Heathcliff, the Snorks, the Punky Brewster cartoon, the Gummi Bears, Camp Candy, Robo-Tech and Space Ghost. This segment features Mike’s hard-on for everything Alex Toth touched (Space Ghost, Thundarr the Barbarian, Herculoids).

abrazos y besos,

Sr. David

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Hollywood Double Dip

Will wonders never cease? Yes folks today we get a rare non-comic related rant. Today's rant is brought to you by movie studios who feel the need to keep re-releasing movies on DVD to keep squeezing a few more pennies out of the faithful movie nitwits (like me) who against all logic will fall for this shit. I was looking over the upcoming DVD releases today and saw a solicit for a Three disccollector's edition of Rob Zombie's Halloween. There is just one problem with this. I have sitting on my shelf the TWO-DISC collector's edition of this movie. What is different about this release you ask? Not a whole lot. Theatrical and director's cut versions of the film check. Deleted scenes check. director commentary check. Featurettes check no wait a minute there are more featurettes and a documentary oh well that makes it ok. Bullshit it does. Not to be outdone I saw solicitations for yet another definitive collector's edition of Psycho not to mention the fact that the original Halloween has had at least 5 different DVD (collector's definitive stupendous ludicrous speed swear to god this is it) releases since 1999.

Seriously enough is enough. I can understand re-releasing collector's editions of movies that only got bear bones DVD releases back in the day. The Jack Ryan movies, the Batman movies etc. But honestly these days the DVD release of movies is being prepped during production of the damn film. There is no honest to God good reason a movie these days needs more than one release. The worst part is I will probably buy this damn thing because I loved the movie and would love to see a documentary about it. My suggestion if you are going to pull this shit release the extras seperate Honestly the people who would buy it anyway probably still will and this way when they pop it in the DVD player they won't feel that stinging sensation in their posteriors reminding them that they just bent over and let Hollywood stick it to them in a naughty place.



Saturday, August 9, 2008

Episode 7: The Incredible Flying Naked Mannings

This episode features a slightly new format…well not REALLY new, but you'll be getting more better F-Bombcast. NOW with KUNG-FOO Grip! Basically, the Flash(ah ahhhh)back and F'd up 5 segments will be featured in alternating weeks. It's kinda like gaining penis length by losing weight.

Beer, beer, beer, wonderful beer, beer, beer……..
This week's samplings are:
Purple Haze (Raspberry wheat brew) from Abita Brewing Co.
Honey Moon Summer Ale from Coors Brewing Co.

Mike regales us with drinking tales from his youth and by youth I mean as a young supple youth. Not to be outdone, TJ shares another adventure from his college days.
We also learn the secret history of Corona beer and the lil' limes therein.

*Teasers: Keep an eye out for the F-BombCast very own feed (THANKS JAMES) and possible own domain.

The Naked Truth:
9 yo. stupid penis tricks, "Puppetry of the Penis," and the Incredible Flying Naked Mannings.

Rebecca O-H says "What?":
T, calls out a friend of Becca's who was turned off and disgusted by listening to not 10 minutes of one episode. Since when is being the "vilest podcast" he's ever listened to is a bad thing? This week Becca wants to know what the allure of a threesome and I learn something new about TJ and how to properly run train on a girl.

*Big High-5 to James for finding that special person to inspire him to dump his harem or condolences, depending on how it plays out.

TJ's hope for the DCU post-Final Crisis. A brief look at Hawkeye (Marvel) and a comparison to Green Arrow (DC). TJ rants about the discrepancy between the cover art and the art inside the book itself (see: Alex Ross).
Books Reviewed: Beyond Wonderland #1 (Zenoscope)
Reign in Hell (DC)
Jim Butcher's Dresden Files #4 (Dabel Bros.)
Ambush Bug: Year None (DC)
Grant Morrison's New X-Men TPB (Marvel)
*Mike jumps off Legion of Superheroes (DC)

This week features the return of Douche Bag of the Week
Kevin bitches about work/firewalls/bandwidth, TJ takes on BIG-pharmacutical and Mike defends the handicap.

Flash(ah ahhhh)back: 2005

Movies: Batman Begins, the Aristocrats (NOT AristoCATS), 40 YO Virgin, Hustle and Flow, Sin City and Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants..........WHAT?! Yes, folks I said Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (Gay. Totally Gay, Liberace Gay).

TV: Wonder Showzen, Battlestar Gallactica, Supernatural, Bones, the Office and My Name is Earl. This year also features one of the greatest titles to a show of BBC3 it's "Tittybangbang"

Music: "My Humps" by the Blackeyed peas, "Hard to be a rock and roller" by the Wigwams, "Mr. A to Z" by Jason Mraz, "Hypnotize" by System of a Down (Serj Tankian is the lead singer TJ), "Old Cartoons Are Fucking Dicks" from the Family Guy: Live in Las Vegas and TJ (Mr. Yeah-I-picked-Sisterhood-of-the-Traveling-Pants) makes fun of Kevin for picking "Patience" from Depeche Mode.

Next time on a very special "The FBombCast": The Return of Kevin.......

Keep it groovy,
Your pal Dave

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Real Power Cosmic

I have to thank Ryan (Hulk Smash) over on the boards for mentioning the little gem of a miniseries called Cosmic Odyssey. I had never heard of this DC miniseries from 1988 til recently and I have to tell you I'm glad I found it because its fantastic. If you are enjoying all of the headscratching New Gods references in Final Crisis pick up this trade because its relevant.

Cosmic Odyssey collects a four issue miniseries in which a team of DC heroes join up with the New Gods and Darkseid to prevent an aspect of the Anti-Life equation from destroying the universe through targeted explosions on the planets Earth, Xanshi, Rann and Thanagar. The basic plot premise is that the threat of the Anti-Life equation is so great Darkseid actually joins up with Highfather and Orion and Lightray to recruit the superheroes in helping to stop the coming apocalypse (pun intended). Similar to the earliest days of superhero team ups the heroes are divided into teams. Superman teams with Orion on Thanagar, Starfire with Lightray on Rann, Batman with Forager on Earth, and J'onn J'onnz and John Stewart on Xanshi. You also get a great and crucial appearnce by the Demon Etrigan. Jim Starlin is the writer here and Pencils are by Mike Mignola.

What can I say. This is a fantastic miniseries that reinforces comics as the modern version of Greek myths. This is far better (but oddly less famous) than Starlins Infinity Trilogy over at Marvel. One reason is its an epic but with a relatively small cast. Instead of the normal how do we get 75 heroes in one place framing problem the team here is assembled rather quickly. The central plot is a little confusing but it doesn't really matter. The dialogue is tight and shows how the modern age was emphasizing character focused dialogue rather than copious exposition. Starlin ang Mignola work very well here. This is a character study. The Batman Forager pairing reveals a lesson about sterotyping and prejudice and the John Stewart/J'onn J'onnz pairing provides a tragic lesson in arrogance that would be explored later in Green Lantern.

All in all this is an enjoyable read that DC fanboys (especially Kirby DC) will love but it is not so continuity heavy that a new reader would be lost. On the contrary this is an ideal introduction to some of DC's cosmic characters and a good space epic. I hope DC gives this a new release editionespecially since this its twentieth anniversary because it more than deserves it.



Thursday, July 31, 2008

Episode 6: The eMANcipation COCKlamation

I know what you're all saying, "WTF a timely rundown?!" I know, I'm just as shocked as you all.

This episode is NOT for the weak of heart or the loose of rectum. For starters, Mr. Manning lets us in on some hairband fashion tips, THEN, in a call back to last week, let's us know how he would like for Thor (and that's Mike Deodato's Thor) to dominate him. Just make sure he wears a rubber, Mike. You don't need the god of thunder shooting lighting in your no-no hole.

More emails from the fans......well, fan. Thank you again to Rebecca O-H. One of ROH's questions this week asks the F-Bomb Boys how they proposed to their wives. All the sweetness and romance left a bad taste in my mouth (but, I'm a lonely curmudgeon).

After KISS-talk (don't ask me how they got there). This leads into Comic-Talk which starts with Mike's review of Top Cow's Pilot Season submission, Myth Noir. Mike also talks about his completion or at least near completion of his JLI collection, with his aquisition of Justice Extreme. T talks about the big IMAGE reveals coming out of SDCC. There's a discussion of the merits of Robert Kirkman and his characters (Invincible). Now, TJ is a HUGE DC whore and claims to be try to convert some of the Marvel Zombies out there. This week though, it appears that the tables are turning as ROH and Kevin convinced him to check out X-Men #500. Much love for the 2nd hardcover trade of Iron Fist. And boooooooo! for Howard Chaykin art.

Fucked up 5: Top 5 80's Action films

This is where the second half of the MAN-miration happens. The 80's was a decade whose action films are characterized by shirtless, oil-up, muscle-men. Mike gleefully points out a few examples in Lethal Weapon, such as Danny Glover in a hot tub, Mel Gibson's bare ass and a shirtless Gibson and Gary Busey wrestling in sprinklers. We've got a naked, glistening Dolph Lundgren in Punisher. Gay rapist bikers in Mad Max 2. An always oily and shirtless and sometimes nuuuuuuude Ahhhhhnold (Terminator, Predator, Commando). There's also the ever-tan, ever-toned Ricardo Montalban (KAAAAAAAAAAAHN!!!!!). Top Gun (so homoerotic I don't need to add anything). Other films ARE mentioned but other than Die Hard who cares (besides Die Hard would be an awesome name for an erectile dysfunction med and ED effects the penis).


In Movies, we get two animated films (Wizards and Pete's Dragon), Smokey and the Bandit, Kentucky Fried Movie and the Gauntlet.

In Music, Mike continues the theme for this episode with "You made me believe in magic" by the Bay City Rollers. We get a little rock, a little funk, a little punk and a twosome from Boston. Mentions are made about the Dead, AC/DC, the Sex Pistols, Saturday Night Fever and Pink Floyd.

I shocked the crew with my TV choice for this year. Other picks include the Looove Boat (and you HAVE to sing the name fuckers) and Three's Company too. *This segment also features the Mike's singing talent.

Tickles and hugs,

Justice Society of America:To Infinity and Beyond

Geoff Johns is a funny guy. There are times when his fanboy nature is restrained (Green Lantern), present but subtle (Booster Gold) and then you have him at at his DC geek out free for all (JSA and Action Comics). This week's Justice Society Annual 1 is definately an example of latter.

Unlike alot of annuals this one actually ties into the current story arc in JSA in which GOG is granting everyone their fondest wish. Power Girl's, who is "last survivor of the multiverse" fondest wish is to go home. So poof she ends up back on Earth 2. Now here comes the part where anyone without a thorough understanding of silver and bronze age DC continuity is going to want to fling themselves off a tall building headfirst into a thumbtack. There are now 2 Justice Socities. The JSA that we know are the post-crisis "New Earth JSA" that resulted when Crisis on Infinite Earths streamlined the DCU. Power Girl was folded into the new continuity(forgetting her Earth 2 roots) but her Earth 2 cousin Superman was not he later died in Infinite Crisis but not before restoring Power Girl's memory of Earth 2 and with the help of Suprboy Prime the multiverse including Earth 2. Why I've gone crosseyed just writing that. Everyone take a five minute break.

Ok break over. Let me say right off the bat I loved this issue. The best thing about Johns is he can take elements from the Silver and Bronze Age and at least write the dialogue in a modern way while preserving the flavor. The JSA has always been my favorite super team even (sorry Becca) more than the X-Men. I remember reading All-Star Squadron back in the 80's so it is a big thrill for me to have Jerry Ordway (who drew that book) on pencils for this annual. Also I loved seeing the pre-crisis Infinity, Inc. as full fledged Justice Society (now Justice Society Infinity) members. Aside form the fact that Justice Society Infinity is perhaps an even dumber team name than Xtreme X-Men this was a real kick. Thats the best part of this issue its fun. It also corrects a problem that Johns has been evidencing in JSA of late. Too many characters. Johns is such a DC geek that it lately seems he's trying to cram as many charcaters as possible in one issue cause he's having such a blast. In This issue we get glimpses of the Earth 2 we knew and loved but its really Power Girl's and the Earth 2 Huntress's story. It also sets up some great potential for future issues.

If you are a DC newbie I advise staying away since you'll be totally confused. Old time fans however who might've drifted away from the JSA should pick this up. You'll feel like a kid again.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wildcats:The Passion of the Christos

Some of you may have noticed that I am posting much more frequently lately. The reason for this is after ten years I have finally decided to give up smoking. They tell you to find a substitute so instead of smoking when I really start to nic fit I will blog.

With that being said today's review is Wildcats (vol 5)#1 from Wildstorm. This is the first of a number of relaunches Wildstorm is doing spinning out of their Number of the Beast miniseries. This issue as well as the upcoming relaunches of The Authority, and Stormwatch PHD will all carry the World's End Banner. Your writer is Christos Gage and pencils are by Neil (Welcome to Tranquility) Googe. First off if you haven't been paying attention to all the Wildstorm happenings lately you might be a little lost. I will try to avoid spoilers but basically this picks up after a massive cataclysm and the Wildcats are basically assisting the survivors. This is the classic team (minus Lord Emp) by the way plus recent additions Backlash, Nemesis and my personal favorite Ladytron.

The fact that its not very new reader accessible aside this was a good first issue. My favorite Wildcats runs were the Alan Moore and Joe Casey ones and this issue is not as good as those but Gage has a good handle on the characters and it was fairly entertaining. He did some grat stuff with Stormwatch PHD recently. His dialogue more often than not is more standard superhero as opposed to witty and edgy but it still works. Googe's art while good seems a little out of place here. His more light and cartoony pencils work well in Welcome to Tranquility but they seem a little off here. Carrie Strachan seem to be overcompensating for this fact by going very very dark with the coloring. This issue also contains a backup strip that will run in all of the World's End titles focusing on IO agent Lynch. Also written by Gage (art by Trevor Hairsine) I almost liked this more than the main story. I also wish Hairsine was pencilling the main story. The backup strip is more of a throwback to the covert ops/espionage stuff that was going on when Brubaker was writing Sleeper and this strip gives me hop we may see some of those characters again.

Minor complaints aside I am a huge fan of the Wildcats and this issue didn't disappoint. The wildcats are in competent hands with Gage. It has definately held my interest to see this series continue.



Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Uncanny X-Men: Grab Yourself an Ice Cold Bru....baker

Today we come to the final run of our look back at 100 issues of Uncanny X-Men issues 475-499. With the departure of Chris Claremont Marvel decided to give their resident golden boy Mr. Ed Brubaker a shot at the Merry Mutants starting with issue 475. Brubaker was an inspired choice to take on the X-Men. After all with a resume that included Criminal, Sleeper, Daredevil and Captain America where could you go wrong. Not to mention the fact that while some fanboys did not like the massive retcon taht came out of his X-Men Deadly Genesis mini-series (more on that later) you couldn't argue with the fact that it was incredibly well written.

Speaking of Deadly Genesis Brubaker's first arc logically was a sequel of sorts to that story. Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire finds Professor X, Mravel Girl, Nightcrawler, Havok and Polaris with tag along Darwin rocketing into space to go after crazy Summers brother Gabriel aka Vulcan. Now first off there was alot to like about this arc. One it was happening around the same time as Civil War and at least with Uncanny focusing on the space opera for awhile there was a narrative conceit explaining why the flagship X- title was ignoring an issue that would clearly impact the X-Men. You had gorgeous pencils by Billy Tan and Brubaker started off well by having a guilt ridden Xavier being shunned by Cyclops assembling his team of misfits and given his shot at redemption by tracking down the Rogue Vulcan. This is where it goes off the rails a bit. One too damn long. You did not need twelve issues (475-486)of this. Decompressed storytelling works great for the story Brubaker is still (40 issues and counting) in Captain America. Not so much here. Especially since a few issues omitted the X-Men entirely and concentrated solely on Vulcan. Two the bad guy won and there was no closure. Pretty much Vulcan conquers the Shi'ar, Xavier leaves 3 men behind (but gets his powers back) and then nothing.

With that we have the Extremists arc (487-491) which was much better and gratefully shorter. Brubaker manages to adress the elephant in the room that was M-Day a little, reintroduces the Morlocks and sets up the Messiah Complex crossover. Furthermore he shows great foresight by teasing Magneto's return to relevance which Mike Carey would pick up in X-Men Legacy. You also had great art by Salvador Larocca.

I won't say much about Brubaker's contributions to Messiah Complex (492-494 + the one shot)since it was part of a crossover except that it illustrates what he can do when given the A list X-Men as opposed to the bozo squads.

Finally we have the recently completed Divided we Stand (495-499). The artists once again change as now Brubaker is joined by Mike Choi and Sonja Oback. It was an obvious filler story that had some good moments. Brubaker especially writes Scott and Emma as a couple quite well. You had some good fight scenes with Wolverine, Nightcrawler and Colussus in Russia and the dialogue was quite good. The whole point was to kill time before issue 500 and the big move to San Francisco but it was perfectly readable.

All in all Brubaker's 2 year solo run didn't exactly set the world on fire but he also didn't really alienate any one. Both Rise and Fall and The Extremists are out in trade and the Divided we Stand arc just wrapped. If you are a newbie I recommend bypassing Rise and Fall and starting with the Extremists its Brubaker's X-Men at its best.



Monday, July 28, 2008

Episode 5: The Return

Greetings……..(I think we need to come up with a name for F-BombCast listeners)….this week features the return of the Ying to TJ’s Yang, the Thing One to Tj’s Thing Two, Miiiiiiiiiiike Maaaaaannnniiiiiiing. Yes, back to pick the show back up after the deliciously sexy road bump that was Episode 4, where I filled in as second host, Mr Manning returns for 2 hours 20 minutes of podcast goodness. Right off the bat, we feature the return of CockTalk…..exactly! TJ reveals his deep seeded hatred of pretentious theater people and Mike and TJ discuss creative ways a father can help guard his daughter’s purity.

TJ goes on the attack, accusing Mike of being a Pollyanna and enjoying “everything.” In the midst of the conversation, which drifts from movies and pop culture to comics, we get another glimpse into the personalities of our two hosts.

Bonerific Trailers to check out btw:
Terminator: Salvation

For the second week in a row the show gets an email. This one is care of TJ’s no. 1 fan, Rebecca O-H. Rebecca asks if the email could be read as either Gambit or Borat. The man of a thousand and one bad voices chooses to read it as sexy French man . *Aside, I know I forget to do the rundown till the last minute and I do forget that other ppl listen to the podcast, but I LOVE fangirls….in fact, the best lovin’ I’ve ever had came from a comic book chick. I’m sure I’ll talk about that more on the show at some point.

Rebecca poses some very interesting questions to the boys such as: 1) What comic book character would you turn gay for? (2) Have you ever checked out another guy’s package at the urinal?

Books mentioned in ComicTalk:
Hellboy: The Crooked Man #1 and a brief critique Hellboy 2.
Flash #242 and the upcoming Flash: Rebirth
Action Comics #862 (Mike starts plumping up thinking about it)
Guardians of the Galaxy #3
Conan the Sumerian #1

Mike's son makes a brief BRIEF appearance, blink and you'll miss it.....yes I know it's audio.

F'd Up Five this week is Top Five Fictional Characters you'd like to be (or something)
Highlights include Snoopy, Powergirl, James Bond, Lobo, the Flash (James makes a funny), Mr. Rourke, Major Nelson, Alex from a Clockwork Orange and the Joker

Let's do the Time Warp Agaiiiin:
This year is 1991.
Musically it features the deaths of Mr. Freddie Mercury and hair bands (mike sheds lil' metal tears) and TJ switches up the Gay pick/Straight pick with Black pick/White pick. Movies include T2, the Commitments, New Jack City, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves Fried Green Tomatoes, My Girl, Silence of the Lambs and I gush over Hudson Hawk. This is a shitty year for TV and I think we mentioned with the exception of the premiers of Ren & Stimpy and "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!"

And that's all I have to say about that.....


An Uncanny Sense of Deja Vu: The Claremont Years Take 3

Continuing our look back at the last 100 issues of Uncanny X-Men today we focus on the return of the man who pretty much defined the X-Men for legions of fans and wrote them longer than anyone else Mr. Chris Claremont. Following the unmitigated disaster that was Chuck Austen, Issue 444 saw Claremont return the book he made famous for the third time.

This was kind of interesting since back in 2000 Claremont had a very brief and poorly received return to both core X titles. However given the (unfairly)lukewarm response to Joe Casey and the aforementioned Chuck Austen debacle bringing back the man who pretty much started it all was not a bad idea. Claremont's third run was pretty much a continuation of what he had already been doing on X-Treme X-Men which aside from the horrfic title was actually quite good.

Issue 444 saw X-Treme X-Men cancelled and that book's core members transplanted over to Uncanny. Your core team was Storm, Psylocke, Sage, Cannonball, Bishop, Nightcrawler and Marvel Girl (Rachel Grey). Also jumping on at various points were Wolverine, Emma Frost and in the best plotline of Claremont's run X-23.

What can you say about Claremont? His bad points are well known (too much exposition, an unhealthy obsession with mind control and his Psylocke obsession is just creepy) but when he's on he's on. There was alot to like about these issues. Like I said bringing in X-23 was a good touch and the way he confronts Wolverine with a female more feral version of himself. The way Wolverine takes X-23 under his wing is even still being explored currently in X-Force. Claremont also addresses the effect of Cyclops new relationship with Emma Frost on his "daughter" Rachel and thats handled rather well when Rachel and Emma have a psychic battle similar to the one Emma and Jean had in Morrison's new X-Men.

This wasn't revolutionary stuff but it was welcome for the most part. The plotline of the X-Men being fully deputized mutant police as the Xtreme Sanctions Executive was carried over from Xtreme X-Men but it basically was ignored after awahile. Alot of it was stuff we'd seen before, the return of the Hellfire Club, an unnecessary visit to the Savage Land, the Sh'iar but it felt good. The best arc in my opinion was a House of M tie in setting up the New Excalibur series that gave us Claremont at his swashbuckling best but it was the best House of M tie in of that entire event. You also had Alan Davis on pencils which is never bad.

Don't get me wrong this wasn't a flawless run Claremont's standard dialogue tics are hard to ignore sometimes and the Sh'iar death commandos was a bubble brained idea. Also the final arc involving Psylocke's nutty brother was just palin stupid. Still all in all it was a welcome return for a time. Unfortunately Claremont became very ill towards the end of his run and Tony Bedard scripts from Claremont's plots for the last issues (471-474) and the Annual. Bottom line if you're a Claremont fan and you are enjoying his current run on New Exiles you should check these out I believe it is about 6 trades under the name Uncanny X-Men the Next Age.


Friday, July 25, 2008

Uncanny X-Turd: The Chuck Austen Years

Since this is an anniversary week of sorts I got a fabulous idea that's right folks THEME WEEK! I will be covering all of the creative teams on Uncanny X-Men from issue 400-499. Yesterday's review covered the unfairly criticized Joe Casey Run. Today we will cover the totally fairly criticized and eggregiously terrible Chuck Austen run.

So much has been written about how bad these years were that it would seem there is little left to say. Out of curiousity I recently picked up a good portion of the Austen run. You know how it is you hear all this negative stuff and you think to yourself "it can't be that bad" Its not. Its so much worse. Marvel actually kept Austen on this book for issues 410-443 just shy of three years worth. Here are some lowlights

Nightcrawler as the messiah of an anti-mutant satanic faction of the Catholic church complete with (swear to fucking god) evil disentegrating communion wafers.

The mother of all retcons in which Nightcrawler's father is revealed to be the demon Azrael who tries to escape hell by fathering children all over the world (I know what you're going to say TJ it sounds cool but trust me its not)

Polaris turns into a complete lunatic and Havok inexplicably dumps the love of his life for a slutty nurse with a mutant kid.

Those are just the plots rest assured the dialogue and charcterizations are equally atrocious. Austen thought all mutants were the same and would band togther simply because they were mutants. All of his women characters were either complete whores or nuts. Whats worse Austen had the colossal audacity to blame the fans for criticizing him. If you didn't like his work you either were too stupid to get it or not a true X-Men fan. Austen's behavior in interviews was so smug that he actually made Rob Liefeld look humble for God's sake.

Basically this was the worst period in X history that inexplicably lasted 3 years. After removing him from Uncanny with issue 443 Marvel actaully replaced Austen with Chris Claremont and dumped him over on New/adjectiveless X-Men as a fill in until recently departed Grant Morrison's successor could be found. This was actually a stroke of genius since fans would've hated anyone who dared follow Morrison immdediately. No problem we'll stick Chuck in there for nine issues and the fans will be so happy to see him go they'll throw the next guy a parade.

If you are curious then you can probably find some Austen stuff in 25 cent bins at any local comic show but be aware. Its like going to see an Ed Wood movie. You are in it purely to see how bad it is.



Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Red Headed Stepchild: Joe Casey's X-Men

As we all know Uncanny X-Men 500 came out today. I believe TJ will be covering that over on thankgoditswednesday. As excited as I am that T finally bit the bullet and bought another X-book it got me thinking about Uncanny X-Men 400 and the author of that issue in particular Joe Casey.

Uncanny X-men was not quite the halfway point in Casey's brief run which was not very warmly received at the time. Considering what came after that howvever history has been much kinder to good ol' Joe. The funny thing about this was this was during a big shakeupperiod for Marvel's merry mutants. New EIC Joe Quesada had wanted to move the books away from the standard Calremont formula and shake things up so we had God himself Grant Morrison on New X-Men and Casey fresh off his acclaimed Wildcats run on Uncanny. Casey's run believe it or not gets the short end of the stick. It had some great art by the likes of Sean Phillips and Ashley Wood and for the most part it succeded in modernizing the Uncanny X-Men the same way Morrison was updating New X-Men. Your core team was Wolverine, Angel, Chanmber, Nightcrawler and Mutant prostitute Stacy X. I am apparently the only one who didn't mind Stacy X. The core theme of the X-Men helping a world that hates and fears them was all there and Casey's introductory arc was a great satire on tweeny pop in which Chamber is used to make a thinly disguised Britney Spears analog generate some street cred. The next arc dealing with Banshee creating a mutant paramilitary strike team was also quite good. For me the whole run had a more grown up feel and showed some willingness to stray from the same tired old Claremont type plots. There was some philosophy, some politics and plenty of good action.

Like I said history has been much kinder than critics at the time. This is in no small part due to the Tsunami of anti-talent that immediately followed Casey known as Chuck Austen. Casey was respectful enough of the fans to put his own stamp on the franchise without pissing all over the core themes. Austen took a gigantic dump on the franchise and unlike Casey deserves every negative thing that was ever said about his painful two and a half year run.

If you are so inclined pick up Casey's run. I think its only two trades Poptopia, and Rocktopia. You will not be disappointed.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Episode 4: Tranny Vacation

This week, Mr Manning has decided that spending time with his family is more important than all you faithful listeners. So instead of podcast gold, you get podcast bronze as I fill in for our intrepid co-pilot.

I was kind of nervous this week since I actually had to contribute 50% instead of the occasional zinger and after Episode three, I was hoping to bring back the funny. T and I talk about extended bowel moments, race, training your coworkers to leave you alone, my head exploding and just who is the "Billboard" (da DUH!!)?

*FBOMB Factoid: Pretzels and Peanut butter is a worse lunch than White Castle, which itself is much more depressing than filling a woman's mouth with throat yogurt.

Comic talk (and yes there is comic talk with just Dave) includes my review of Criminal Macabre #1. TJ talks the Invisibles TPB #3 and Y the Last Man #8 and also breaks the news the My Favorite Comic "Wormwood Gentleman Corpse" will be re-released in a new Deviant Edition. Also, just to shake things up, I even review a book...and BOOK book...Night Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko.

We have 2 count 'em 2 emails. The first comes from Sean (Hakkenden), BIG UPS Sean! The second comes to us from the tiny African nation of Burkina Faso. F-BombCast Worldwide.

At around the 40 minute mark it's Drunk Story time with Uncle Dave. This weeks story, "Dave and the Magic Attic."

The Douche-bag segment takes a strange turn when T tries to set me up to call his sweet baby girl an asshole and I somehow end up menacing her (COMPLETELY unintentional).

In the year 2002 quite possibly one of the shittier years in pop culture we've had to cover, TJ, Mike and I try to out-gay eachother with pics of Kylie Minogue, Pink and My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

The F'd up Five subject was the Top 5 Hardcore Bitches in Film. Much Love for Bad-ass bitches like Ellen Ripley, the Bride, Sarah Conner, deadly deadly little Miho, Mama Fratelli and Elenore Shaw (Angela Lansbury). Yes, Angela just have to listen.

Keep on rocking in the free world,

Monday, July 14, 2008

In Defense of Judd Winick

Its been almost a month and the Judd Winick bashing from Heroes Con is still sticking in my craw. That and alot of the reviews I'm reading have convinced me that the man just isn't getting a fair shake. Today's post will therefore be me getting my Judd's back and and in general review of Green Arrow/Black Canary so far.

Let me say from the outset I am a Winick fan. His Batman stuff was quite enjoyable and I have enjoyed his take on the Green Arrow charcater. The biggest complaint seems to be with the tone of the series. Basically that the humorous quips and banter don't fit with what the series should be. Have any of you naysayers read anything by Joss Whedon or Keith Giffen or even Kevin Smith during his run? Same deal folks. Yes Connor getting shot was a dramatic event but darkening the series would not have worked. The overall issue where Connor was shot was dealt with appropriately. Green Arrow screaming "CLARK" from Paradise Island so loud that Superman hears him in Metropolis was classic. The reactions of the JLA to one of their teammates in pain was also far better than any of the Super Friendsesque garbage being written in JLA these days. The scene where Ollie cradles the brain dead Connor in his arms and says "Shhh Daddy's here son" is one of the most touching scenes I have ever read in a comic book.

The humor is sarcasm/pop culture reference which is my favorite. It may not be quite as witty as Whedon but it still works. The best thing about the book though is that it is a family book. Not family like Cosby show but the Green Arrow family. Ollie, Dinah, Mia, Roy and Connor are a family and that shows. Its not dark like a Batman book nor as hokey as some of the Superman titles but it works.

Bottom line, and this goes to my point from last week, its a book I look forward to each week. I would also be remiss if I did not give a shout out to Mike Norton for his terrifc pencils. Green Arrow may no longer be the uptight voice of the anti-establishment as much as he was during the Denny O'Neil years but he doesn't need to be anymore. Its smart and entertaining and that should be enough.



Sunday, July 13, 2008

Episode Three: Totally Nude Podcasting

Well, not exactly "nude" nude, just without any music beds. In this episode, we get back to basics with just Mike and TJ. Kevin and I both contribute by way of emails read by TJ "Mel Blanc" Tunnington and his many voices.

We begin this episode with a brief return to the literary. Mike and TJ discuss the merits and compare HP Lovecraft, Hemingway and F.Scott Fitzgerald. We also hear a tale of hallucinagenic defense of Mario Puzo's The Godfather.

Beverages this week: Mike = Landshark Lager from Margaritaville™ Brewing Co.
TJ = Iced T and leftovers from his Flying Dog sampler

*Bus Stop Trivia: Immigrant farm workers can bring chairs onto public buses to sit on when there are no seats available.

This is an episode of segways...magical segways...segway to segway to segway. Example: Drinking beer while eating to mexicans picking blueberries to immigrant workers bus riding rights to forced labor. Topics include in no particular order, forum etiquette, the dangers of dead air and potty-mouthed childrens' authors.

There is signifigant discussion on comics, highlighting Astonishing X-Men, Final Crisis and TJ's hope for the DC universe, Batman #678 and the Dresden Files.

The year is 1964......fuck it....just so you know, I'm listening to the show right now and I'm ahead of this segment and on the top 5 influential albums. If you're looking for the funny, stop listening now (well, maybe not, Kevin's pics are pretty funny). Between listening to TJ brutalize my words with his Bobby Brady voice and the story he told at the end, I have to stop now..........

Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Drop in the Bucket

This week I decided to drop two books from my pull list. That got me thinking two things: 1) How do we come up with a pull list and 2) when do we make the decision to drop a book. I found that the two go hand in hand. A very wise man told me that only books that you look forward to each month should be on your pull list. This is where the completist collector part of me and the fanboy conflict. When I gave it a serious look I found I was dropping money on books that I wasn't really enjoying simply because I felt I had to. I have since seen the error of my ways. To that end my two drops were


I really wanted to like this. I'm an X-Men nut and I really dug Messiah Complex so I was interested to see where they took the story. The answer. Nowhere. The first arc was 5 issues of Cable and Bishop chasing each other through post-apocalyptic New Jersey. Thats it. I'm all for decompressed storytelling but this arc moved at the pace of a special olympic marathon runner. The art by Ariel Olivetti was really annoying no one looks like that. I was ready to drop this after the second issue but I thought it was a part of the overall X-Men universe and I had to keep buying it. I have seen the error of my ways.

Iron Fist

Let me say first off I have been loving this book under Fraction,Brubaker and Aja. Honestly though I am a fan of the creative team not the character. Since they have departed as of the last issue I will be going with them. Interestingly enough the new head writer is Duane Swierncynski who also writes Cable. Since I don't particularly care for that book and am dropping it I see no reason to think I'd like him on this one. Also the preview art looks like in a word four color vomit.

Avengers Invaders

I haven't dropped it yet butits on the bubble. Jim Krueger while a competent storyteller is verbose to Chris Claremont levels of exposition and so far its been three issues of Capatin America calling everyone Nazis. I'm enjoying the Twelve and even Project Superpowers a hell of alot more. Krueger, Ross and Co. are getting one more issue to develop an actual point to this series or I'm jumping off.

Bottom line I am reevaulating my pull list criteria which will enhance my reading pleasure and hopefully save me a few bucks.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Episode Two: Oh, what do you do with a drunk podcaster

We are again lucky....NAH, Privledged....NAH! GRACED with yet another resounding opening from that Prince of August Verbage the Wordsmith Extroidinare, Michael Manning *applause *applause

Also present, the ever delicious, TJ Tunnington and myself your humble and ever tardy servant (also, part-time Master of Thunderball Snorkeling).

Right off the bat, we get to the drinkage. T, tempts fate (ref. to Saturday night at Heroes Con) by trying out the Flying Dogfish Head Sampler. Mr. Manning, keeping it local (to Vermont) with "X the Steel Rail Extra Pale Ale" (I feel more masculine just writing that!). For me? Well, I decide to bring some culture and polish with a little Monkey Bay wine.

Mike and I both fall pray to drunken bliss. Listen closely at 01:51:00 for a special treat. At least for the first twenty minutes, we're all still coherant and I tell a few stories about having clowns for parents....yes, CLOWNS...both of them.

- Comics, Comics, Comics:
We've got a gender bending Martian Manhunter, penis growing jungle queens,
Red Hulk smash!, RASL Rox!, a Peter David love-fest, midget hand fearing
Werewolves and TJ jumping off Captain America once and for all.

*It wouldn't be an F-BombCast if we didn't mention
our manhood's at least once:

Mike = Harvey
TJ = Mr. Happy
Dave(me) = My Friend

- Misc. Ramblings:
Dumps, Robin Willams is a hack, welfare, vaginettes
and chinese historic period movies

- Douchebags

Kevin: Shout out to a pot smoking delivery guy
Mike: The Discovery Channel for F*^king up his Monday Sex night
Dave: The loud group of "Stereotype" girls behind me in the theater during Wanted
TJ: Verizon Wireless and Wes Anderson fans

- F'd up five - Top 5 Deaths in Film

Kevin: Mr Orange in Res Dogs,Sonny Corleone GF,Bonnie&Clyde,a famous historian
from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Clarences dad in True Romance
Mike: Eric Childs in This is Spinal Tap, King Leonidas in 300, Toth in Raiders,
Crissie Watkins in Jaws, Boromir in fellowship of the ring
Dave: Arhur Charles Herbert Muncy adam Jarrett Monty Python MofL, Mo Green in the
Godfather, the Burly German from Raiders,CW from Jaws, 4 Girls in DeathProof
TJ: Decapitaion in Omen, "curbed" Guy in Am.History X, Mo green,
Dante in the alternate ending of Clerks*

*There was no robbery in the theatrical release at all.
I think we got it partly confused with Fast Times
at Ridgemont High

- The year was 1987

In the music, the Cutting Crew was making us swoon with "(I just) died in
your arms", Tawny Katain kept us company in the "Still of the night", Bono was
still cool in his "Joshua Tree" fort and Guns & Roses left us with an
"Appetite for Destruction"

The small screen saw the premieres of Star Trek: TNG, 21 Jump Street and
Married with Children.

Silver Screen favs include The last emporer, Running Man, Nightmare on
Elm Street 3, The Princess Bride and Wall Street.

- The show ends, mercifully at the 2:08:51, but the few minutes belong to
me. Basically, I highjack the show by laughing uncontrollably and
blurting out random body parts.

SO....that's it. Not nearly as comprehensive or witty as Ep.1 but not even Babe Ruth hit it out every time. Remember, to visit us on the forums and to check out the "Quotent Quotables" section and vote for your favorite quote from the previous week's show.

Keep it sleezy,

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Alice, I knew her well

Some of you may or may not know I am a paratransit driver for my local public transit system. I am not one of the circle jerks (my personal pet name for drivers that go around the same route all fucking day over and fucking over) I am a glorified taxi for the disabled, the elderly getting them to and from their medical appointments.

Alice is an elderly lady who has been on Dialysis for 12 years now....I have transported her for the past 3 years, twice on Tuesdays, Thursdays and during the winter on Saturdays. Today was the last day that I will bring her as the lung cancer has advanced so far that the doctors have basically told her that she is fucked and they can not do anything more for her. I have Alice on my bus for about 30 minutes each way so we talk and over the years we have talked about alot of stuff, from kids, family relations, shitty TV, shitty movies, weather (A popular subject in Vermont) and other sundry topics to numerous to name.

I was unaware of the results of her doctors visit on Saturday, and so Alice's daughter brought her out today and after I had gotten Alice on board (she is in a wheelchair) and folded up the lift, the daughter told me the news...she has maybe a month left but they as a family were pushing her to keep dialysizing. Dialysis is a very draining process ...literally. You are hooked up to a kidney machine for anywhere from 3 to 4 hours while your blood is is a very tiring and exhaustive process that has to be done 3 times a week.

The daughter left and I talked to Alice for about 15 minutes just sitting there wasting gas just talking. When I die I only hope that I have half of the dignity of Alice. She is worried about her family and her brother who will be the only one left out of 5 siblings and she is in alot of pain....if she takes enough Morphine for the pain, she is totally out of it or asleep, she wants to stop the dialysis and just get on with dying.

I brought her in and dropped her off and thought about it for the entire day. I picked her up and she was in lala land as the hospital had doped her up before kicking her out the door for the day. It was a quiet trip to her home as she pretty much snoozed the entire way. We arrived and I unloaded her and gave her a hug and told her I would miss her and took the daughter aside as the grandchildren pushed her back inside her home.

I told the daughter that she should stop pushing and just enjoy being with her mom for her remaining days.....I also pointed out how blessed she actually is because she will actually have the chance to say goodbye.....I never had that chance, as my mom died suddenly overnight.

I am going to miss you Alice

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Buffy the Vampire Slayer:You can Go Home Again

Yes its two for one Wednesday here at the FBC. For anyone left who I did not alienate with my last post here's a nice little review. Today's review is Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 8 #16. Right off the bat let me say I'm a whore for certain authors (Morrison, Ellis, Brubaker) and last but not least Joss Whedon. With this issue/arc Whedon picks up the writing duties again taking over from Drew Goddard. This alleivates my Whedon withdrawl now that he has wrapped up Astonishing X-Men. I am usually not a fan of comic adaptations of licensed properties they very rarely capture the feel of the show/movie. This series however has been consistently excellent from the beginning. Whedon and co. (the writers rotate with each arc) truly make you believe that this could be the eighth season of the show. The narrative structure is very similar to what we came to expect over 7 seasons the dialogue fits the established personas of the show and the art by Georges Jeanty resists the urge to just copy the tv actors.

This issue was even better since Whedon teams Buffy up with Fray the Slayer he created exclusively for comics five years ago. Also back for this arc is Fray penciller Karl Moline. What can I say I loved it! The story flows nicely from the conclusion of the last arc, the dialogue is spot on and hilarious (Dawn is a minotaur) and the final page leaves you wanting more.

Bottom line this series continues to be on of the ones I consistently look forward to each month. Those of us who have missed Whedon on tv can rejoice that he has found yet another medium to conquer. If you are a fan of the show and not reading this shame on you go get the first two trades. If you are a comic fan and not reading this shame on you. If you are a minotaur and wish to complain about the depiction of your species send an e-mail to Dark Horse.


To Be or not To Be.... A Pretentious Blowhard

Ok folks TJ inspired me over on his other blog with a terrific rant on Wes Anderson's latest film The Darjeeling limited and why it sucked. Boy did it suck. Newsflash to Wes Anderson, the Coen Brothers and the rest of you East Coast snots no one either likes or quite frankly understands your movies. They just say they do so people will think they are "cultured" That got me thinking about recent trends in movies and TV and how they have sacrificed entertainment for the sake of being "bold" or "quirky" or god help me "revolutionary". I personally blame the Weinstein Brothers for starting the trend of "art house films" Can anyone name me any of the films that won Oscars this year? Whats that you say you haven't watched the Oscars in years. Good neither has anyone else. Why? No one is going to tune in to a telecast to watch a bunch of movies no one saw starring a bunch of people no one has heard of get honored. We don't make movies for movie fans anymore we make them for critics. There are execeptions but these days the movies people actually want to see are the ones uptight, eltist wannabes scoff at. Remember the good old days Star Wars, Psycho, The Godfather, Raiders of the Lost Ark. They were blockbusters and classics at the same time. We used to have Spielberg and Coppola now we have Michael Bay and Mc G.

Lets not get started on "comedy" either. Gone are the days of Monty Python, Mel Brooks, shit even Bill and Ted was funny. Now we have Will Ferrell, Adam Sandler and the whole frat pack recycling the same dick and fart jokes year after year or we get art house crap that's not only not funny but depressing.

All is not lost. There are some truly gifted people out there who actually are worth the hype (I'm looking at you Joss Whedon, Kevin Smith, Aaron Sorkin, Quentin Tarantino)and on the comedy front Get Smart was probably the funniest movie I have seen in years. It was smart but not pretentious and yes there were dick and fart jokes but take note Messrs. Ferrell, Sandler, Myers and Stiller, its all about timing and not blowing your wad all at once. On the tv comedy front we've got hope in the form of anything on BBC America, Stewart and Colbert, and Californication. Please note if you have read this and said "but he left off IFC and the Sundance Channel" please slap yourself three times and then reread the first paragraph.

Here's hoping that the exceptions become the rule again. Thanks for calling and not reversing the charges.


Monday, June 30, 2008

Episode One: Ballad of the F-Bombfitzgerald

Greeting ladies and germs,

I apologize about the tardiness of this rundown for Episode 1. It's taken me forever to listen to the whole two hours of delicious chatter and I'm being extra-super-retard-lazy this week as previously noted in my HeroesCon rundown. ANYWAY, in this episode we me the living legend James "Magic Stick" Harris also known as the Comic Book Savant ALSO known as the Pop Media Savant ALSO ALSO known as the Dirty..Dirty..Dirty Mutha' Fucker.

-The show starts with TJ and James relating the struggles they had to endure in
Charlotte as fat man (ie. humidity, walking, pants, me forcing TJ to flash me his
tits through the peephole before I let him into the room).

-Only Mike was responsible enough to be drinking during this episode (Sam Adams
Summer Ale). TJ's broke from Heroes and is just drinking Coke and James just
doesn't drink (boooo!).

-It takes the boys about 10 minutes before they start taking about pussy.
Apparently, someone was exchanging images of their naughty bits with his lady
friends. This then leads to a discussion on how this same someone has turned into
a sex machine and how he doesn't always just have "sex" with women, that some he
just flat out "victimizes" them with his glory.
(Note: every 5-10 min be prepared to learn something new about the normally demure
Mr. Harris.)

- 0:20 - The boys segway into their first beers as children. Mike's was Miller,
TJ's MGD and James' (Stereotype Alert) Colt 45.

-I get bashed for not sending in my email contributions to the show, (even though I
was never told what time they were recording).

-Coming soon of the feed: "The Misadventures of a Manwhore" (teaser!)

- 0:27 - Comics! Finally! James talks about the predictable and contrived Walking
Dead TPB #1 which is so exciting apparently it's taking him forever to read
through it. Mike: Tor #2, Thor #9 and Guardians of the Galaxy #2. TJ: Star
Wars - Dark Times #11 and Sword #8.

*Storytime with Uncle James: A tale in which our Gentleman Cocksman comes
home from work to find a sexy naked lady waiting and wanting.

- 0:51 - "Douche Bag Of The Week...week...week......."
James: The HeroesCon organizers for the shitte location and promotion
of "Podcast Alley"
Mike: Had no douche bag. Happy Days!
Kevin: "The Judd Winick Girls" 3 Ooogly fan-girls sitting behind
Kevin at one of the panels bitching about Judd Winick,
even though Judd Winick wasn't on the panel

*Storytime with Uncle James: Apparently, a certain super stud isn't
completely focused on the show at hand and is instead
watching a woman masterbating on a webcam.

TJ: Has 3 D-bags.....1) The grossly effeminate and inept waiter at
Jolina (a restaurant in Charlotte)
2) Tony Harris (artist) of Starman fame, for
being a complete C*nt to his fans
3) Himself for vomiting copious amounts of BBQ
and bourbon while asleep Sat. night at Heroes

- 1:17 - TJ poses the question,"Would it be gay to clone yourself with the sole
purpose of having your clone suck your cock?" TJ rationalizes this as just
another form of masterbation and when Mike suggests just cloning his wife,
TJ summarily dismisses the notion as "just semantics."

*Storytime with Uncle James: He keeps a calender of his "exploits" and Mike
suggests a rating system, broken down into 4 categories.

- 1:14 - The F'd Up Five: Comic Characters you want to tag
To sumise we hear the likes of Zatanna, Emma Frost, Lois Lane, Jungle Girl,
Mystique (the ultimate kink), etc... The jewel of this segment though is
Mike's choices of Big Barda and Giganta (methinks Mike is a secret-sub).
The reason and discussion of these ladies is too delicious to transcribe
with any justice.

*TJ detours to tell my "James Bond of Cunniligous" story.
**Sex Education from Anubis: focus on oral skills, digital skills and cock
skills. It is essential to have the woman cum at least 2 times before you
stick it in; make them beg for the cock. Do that and they'll do anything
you want.

- 1:48 - The year is 1974, match the choices with your favorite FBC member
TV: Wonder woman, 6 Million $ Man, Happy Days and Good Times
Song: Bad Company by Bad Company, 7 Seas of Rhye by Queen, Scarlet
Begonias by the Grateful Dead and Honey, Honey by ABBA
(hint someone has no pick and one person has two, a gay pick
and a straight pick)
Movie: Young Frankenstein, Godfather Pt. 2, Foxy Brown and Chinatown

-2:22:20 - fin

Nipples and Tits,

Friday, June 27, 2008

My brain still ain't right

I really meant to blog earlier this week. Monday I was off from work and had ALL day with nothing to do, but I HAD to be a lazy fuck and sleep off my Heroes Con hangover. Not the kind of hangover TJ and Kevin were lucky enough to get. You see I was the driver for our little adventure and driving through the night on Thursday then all day on Sunday has scrambled my brain. I will be finished listening to Episode 1 featuring James "Magic Stick" Harris soon and will have a complete rundown....or at least A rundown for you kiddies hopefully later tonight. Right now I'm debating whether to go see Wanted, Hulk or being a real winner and going to Wall-E. Probably Hulk, since Ed Norton is a man-crush of mine.

Like T and Kevin, I walked away from the weekend with my wallet significantly lighter. I went a little trade crazy, so excited that I found the 3rd trade of Wormwood Gentleman Corpse, I went through every box looking for the 2nd (and failing incidently) and buying a whole lot more than I had intended.

My haul:

Nextwave 2
Ninja Scroll
Heaven and Earth 1 & 2
Wormwood GC 3
Criminal Macabre 1
Spawn: blood & salvation
Lions, Tigers and Bears 1 (for my gf)
and Age of Reptiles....this one has no dialogue just LOTS and LOTS of dinosaurs yay!

Also, got a couple of prints...too big to post just now, and an original drawing from Guy Davis (B.P.R.D. and just a REALLY nice guy).

OK going to the movies. You bitches be good.

Hugs and Kisses,

The D-dizzle funkmeister Dave

Superman: Who Let The Dog Out?

As all eight of you who actually listen to our podcast may know, I have some conceptual disagreements with the direction DC is taking the Superman books (not counting All-Star) in these days. I really loved the last issue of Action however and was seriously looking forward to James Robinson's run on Superman. Lo and behold I open up Superman 678 and what greets me on page one? Yes folks the goddamn dog. Worse we actually get a first person narration (in dog speak no less)from said superdog. Now comes the part where I threw up in my mouth. During a fun little game of frisbee with the dog and Hal Jordan Superman utters the following quote "I have the bestest dog ever". If you listen closely you can hear the sound of universes imploding. Come on guys seriously why are we back to this cheeseball nonsense?

If this were Morrison or Garth Ennis I could accept it cause they would be trying to make a satrical point but this was meant to be straightforward. I mean Jesus what next month, the Scooby Gang shows up and Superman helps them solve a mystery? Its bad enough that they have Luthor back in the damn suit (it was meant to sell toys in 1985 the momnet has passed) and Jimmy Olsen is back to his "Golly Gee Gosh Mr. Kent" way of talking but the dog is over the edge. Part of Superman's appeal for me is his isolation he is the LAST survivor of Krypton neither fully human or fully Kryptonian. Start throwing in everyone and their mother with the same powers (I'm looking at you Supergirl) and the character is diluted. DC had it nailed just right in the early 90's titles but the retro stuff is not working for me. I mean they have singlehandedly brought back everything the John Byrne reboot was meant to fix.

All is not lost however. Cheeseball shit aside the Superman cleanup squad is an interesting idea and the fight scenes were good. Throw in where Johns is going with Braniac and we may have something to salvage. I swear to God though if Beppo the Super Monkey shows up (Google it it was a real character)I am done with the franchise.


My Heroes Con Goodies

First of all Heroes was a blast but would have been much cooler with Mike there. (missed you buddy)

Here is a picture of 3/4 of the f bombCast.

Well Heroes Con was a blast. I got to hang with my two best friends and meet a ton of people that i have talked to forever and really get to know them.

I spent a littel too much and got so drunk saturday night that i don't remember most of the night.

Here is what i got:

JLA (morrison run) Vol 1,2,3 & 4
Hulk Visionary Peter David Vol 1,2 & 3
Young Avengers Vol 1 & 2
Owly Vol 1 & 2
XXXombies signed by Rick Remender

A Joker Sketch by Avery Butterworth
A Guy Gardner Sketcch form the Mini Marvels guy (Chris something)

I got a ton of Alan Grant/Garth Ennis Demon (I now only have 8 issues to go)
Hitman 1
Crypt of Dawn 4 issues

I think that's it but i will update if i can remember anything else.

Talk to you later,


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Heroes Con 2008 Requeim for a Paycheck

Well folks this past weekend most of us at the fbombcast (we missed you Mike) headed down to Charlotte for Heroes Con. Much fun was had by all (but beware the Dogfish Head Ale) and it was great to meet everyone from the boards finally. A special shout out to our fabulous host the Godfather of our feed Mr. James Harris the Comic Book Savant. Great to meet you my friend you are a god among men. Anyway I inflicted serious damage to my wallet with all the great deals and thought I would clue you guys in to waht I picked up.

Hellboy Vol.1
Wanted (Apparently the movie totally differs from the comic which saddens me)
God Save The Queen
Ultimates 2
The Authority Vol. 1
Catwoman: The Dark End of the Street
Supreme Power
Watchmen (Yes I know I'm really late to the party on this one)

Also picked up an obscene amount of back issues and was able to complete quite a few runs the gem of which was the completion of my Grant Morrison New X-Men run.

Of course having zero willpower I also picked up me weekly haul yesterday so I'm really broke. That's all for now the fabulous Dave will be giving the full Heroes Con rundown at some point. Later


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Episode Zero: Electric Boogaloo

In this Episode, we finally meet the enigmatic Kevin, who (to much dismay) does NOT actually sound like Marvin the Martian. We also meet Dave, the "artist" of the current F-Bombcast Logo and all around sexy beast also known as me.

If you want to give us a listen (and I know that you do) click here or subscribe to Comic Book Savant on iTunes.

The Episode was recorded on a Saturday afternoon and since we all had things to do that day, the drunken hilarity of Episode one was not repeated. That said, I was kind enough to bring along some Pork Slap Farmhouse Ale (and folks it's as delicious as it sounds) for our drinking pleasure.

We start off with our top 5 Girl on Girl scenes in TV/Movies and at some point in the second hour actually get down to talking about comics. In between intended show content you can hear us talking about ourselves, masturbation, work, masturbation at work, etc....

and since TJ usually forgets them:

Write us at
Visit us on the forums here
or for fucks sake at least leave a comment somewhere on this blog.

Hugs and Kisses,


Friday, June 13, 2008

Episode Negative one

OK Guys,

Episode negative one is up and running.

You can get it off of iTunes or from here.

In this show we start off with beer as usual then go to comics and Fine literature.  Some talk of Actresses and the roles we would like to bang them in.  From there it is 1994 and all the goodness that is that year. Classical Music talk follows.

I was drunk as shit at the end of the show so we didn't get to talk about a lot of the things we wanted to and again forgot to plug the blog, mention e-mail and plug our buds.



Friday, June 6, 2008

DVD Sale at my local Blockbuster

The sign at my local Blockbuster had a sign out proclaiming 3 pre-viewed DVD's for 20 dollars. The sign has been up for a month and a half so I had some money in my pocket cuz I just got payed so what the fuck, I decided to see what they might have left....Well, I am much poorer but DVD wealthy....Cloverfield, Aliens Vs Predator Requiem, Shoot ém Up, 3:10 to Yuma, Stardust, Resident Evil:Apocalypse, Resident Evil:Extinction, Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, and Shrek The Third.

I will give my opinion on these movies after I watch them....It will give me something to ramble on about until my next big Movie review. Sex in testicles shrunk just writing that out as a joke.....The Incredible Hulk will be my next big movie event....hopefully it will come close to my Iron Man, Speed Racer, And Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull movie experiences.....but probably no cake (sad face) Later Fuckers..................Mike

Episode negative 2

Well Episode Negative 2 is up and running.

You can get it by getting the Comic Book Savants Feed.  (the website is not updated yet)

We talk Fruity Beer, The holy spirit of the Comics Trinity (Grant Morrison), some marvel, Porno, Great Music, Movies, Comics, and TV from the 80's.  We hear from our long lost third Mic Kevin/Marvin. And of course breast.

In what is becoming a theme i forget to plug the fucking Email ( and the blog but if you are reading this then you know about it, don't you?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Eye on the Fall Part 1

As TJ may have mentioned, the job that keeps me in the city until ungodly hours is in the advertising industry. One of the many perks we get is that we get advance copies of the the fall tv pilots. This past weekend I took a look at what CBS will be offering this fall and I have decided to share that with you dear readers. As more become available I will let you guys know what you should and should not be watching. So here goes.

Harpers Island- Think 10 Little Indians meets April Fools Day meets Lost. If the first two references were lost on you then you will not like this show. A group of friends get together for a wedding on the mysterious Harper's Island where 10 years before a serial killer wiped out an entire family, almost. The lone survivor is a guest at the wedding and yep you guessed it strange shit starts happening again. No real big name stars unless you count Bill (he's not just doing it for money he's doing it for a shitload of money) Pullman. Decently creepy and CBS looks like its taking a departure from the countless CSI knockoffs. Check it out.

Project Gary-Jay Mohr stars as a newly divorced dad with 2 kids who hooks up with Jamie (I used to bang Kid Rock) King but neglects to tell her he has 2 kids and an ex-wife. A little cliched (the ex wife is remarrying their marriage counselor) but pretty damn funny. Mohr is the real draw here take note Opie and Anthony fans. Should be a good compliment to How I met your Mother and Two and a Half Men. Check it Out.

Worst Week- Think Meet the Parents the series. Doesn't sound funny? Good its not. Sam and his fiancee go to her parents house to break the news that they are enagaged and she is pregnant. The basic gist is that anything that can go wrong does. A couple of funny scenes and a bunch that aren't. Although Kurtwood Smith (Red from That 70's Show does his deadpan sarcasm to pretty good effect as the Father in Law. Hint to producers public urinantion jokes have been played out in every movie Adam Sandler has ever made, we're over it move on. Avoid.

The Ex-List-At first glance total chick show but its actually quite funny. The main character gets told if she doesn't get married within a year she will die alone. The catch is she has already met and broken up with her future husband so she has to go back through her list of exes (thus the title) and see if their is a spark. I sense I may have lost the guys here, fret not while yes this show is obviously aimed at women there's plenty for us as well. The women are all really hot and this being set in California frequently half dressed. The characters and dialogue work really well for those of us in our late 20's early 30's and an extended joke about female grooming habits is sure to please everyone. Give it a whirl.

Thats all for now as I watch more I'll give you all the lowdown.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Giant Sized Astonishing Rants

Well since Mike and TJ have both posted I thought it was time for the 3rd member of this wacky trinity to say hello. As TJ has said I'm Kevin (avowed geek and techno moron) and while I was not able to make the first podcast (work sucks) I was there in spirit.

That being said I thought I would post a review. Since TJ covered Final Crisis over on his other blog (All hail Grant Morrison) today's review covers another hotly anticipated issue, Giant-Sized Astonishing X-Men #1. By now everyone knows the major problem with this book is that it comes out at a ridiculously slow pace. This issue itself was rescheduled 4 (count em folks 4 fucking times). Was it worth the wait? Well almost. Whedon caps off his 4 year run admirably tying together all of the elements he started back in the Ford Administration with issue 1 and estblishing some new core relationships. Although this series never boke the mold the way Morrison did in his run it has been a solid old school team book with Whedon's trademark snappy dialogue. His Spider-Man is terrific here. Cassaday's art is an absolute wet dream that almost makes you forget that any book he draws will inevitably be late.

That being said the Breakworld arc has been incredibly drawn out and at this point with so much else going on in the X-Men universe it just doesn't feel epic enough as a closer. Also the big death scene in this issue while very moving was given away months ago and now falls a little flat. The inclusion of a plethora of other Marvel Heroes while certainly cool also feels a little forced. Still the Whedon and Cassaday team deserve their place in the top pantheon of X-Men creative teams and I will miss them.


Show Rundown

OK everyone i was Just informed that the show will be available tonight.  Unfortunately i didn't realize  that size matters (as an Irish male i always hoped that this wasn't the case).  Well i sent him a file that was the size of three of his shows put together so i think i hijacked his bandwidth.

James being the fucking King of Kings that he is I think was going to run it anyway and forgo his show for the week but he was able to run it through one of his programs and reduce the size.

Thanks Buddy yet again, i promise to try to do better next time.

So in this episode we start off with 

INTRODUCTION - We talk about ourselves and the show in General
BEER TALK - We open up some micro Brews and discuss.
COMICS - We talk about a couple of series we think everyone should give a shot.
DOUCHEBAG OF THE WEEK - we talk about something that has pissed us off
MINI MOVIE REVIEW - Speed Racer anyone
WACKY TOP FIVE - Top 5 "red" superheroes
FLASHBACK - Introduce the segment and pick a year for the next show
WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO - IF you can't figure it out you are to dumb to download anyway.
PLUGS AND THANK YOU's - read above then punch yourself in the face 5 times

This is a very Basic rundown of what we expect each show to be like.  The show is around an hour and a half so obviously we go off on some wild fucking tangents but i had fun and really that is all i care about.

Please give a listen and Comment



First Blog ever and my Indy thoughts

Hi all you future F-bombcast loving people (I wanna start of my blogging and podcast life asfucking positive as possible) I am a mere 8 hours after watching the new Indy movie...yeah all you fucking geeks know what the name of the movie I am talking about is, I am NOT going to spell the fucking thing out. I type fucking slow enough as it is with out having to type out probably the worse aspect of this flick.

This movie fucking rocks....yeah rocks....I am a huge (in more ways than one) lover of all things Indy and I went into this movie with much trepidation and low expectations. I have avoided all posts and reviews, except for your co-worker comments, cuz they just feel the need to shit on any positive aspect of your fucking life because their life is such a huge pile of pusculating dog vomit and they want you to come down to their level of hell and play....well fuck you ya fucktards

I get to the movie late...and I miss the previews...I almost walked, out I hate missing the fucking previews...but I went found my seat and seethed for about 3 minutes until the Speilberg magic grabbed my nipples and started to twist.

The only reviews (if you can dignify the comments I have heard around my workplace as such) are that Harrison Ford does not act like Indiana, well you know why, because Harrison Ford is acting like Indiana after having been through a bunch of shit over a period of 20 fucking years...OK ...he is 20 fucking years older. You will act a whole lot different in 2o years.

This movie has some of the best stuntwork I have ever seen in an Indiana Jones movie, some of the best set pieces and some of the best choreographed fights in an Indy movie. I expected the computer effects to be amazing and I was not dissappointed, my only bitch was the final scene after the final escape did not quite seem real...admittedly it was a very hard effect to pull off and they did well, but not quite well enough. Harrison Ford is in amazing shape for a 60+ year old man, as can be attested by one movie scene where he is well ...naked.

The acting is no better or worse than what you will get in any Indy movie. Speilberg's directing is just fucking fun, the man knows how to get the best camera shots for some tense, hold on tight to the seat in front, you are almost there flash....the man can direct. One thought that kept popping into my head was, what if Speilberg had directed any Star Wars film....the magic that Lucas and Speilberg have together cannot be denied.

In all I have to rank this Indy movie as my 3rd favorite of the series and I give this flick 9 out of 10 kicks to the groin............Later, Mike

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


So we recorded our first episode last night to much fun.  I must say i never had so much fun sitting at my computer before.  I am also amazed that drinking three beers in a half an hour could get one so Buzzed.  

In the first episode we alienate about 95% of our listeners and Drop as many F bombs as possible.  There is comic talk, beer talk, titty talk, Video games movies and more.  Plus we learn the ancient Vermont secret on how to stay trim in your nether regions. A must listen if there ever was one.

I have to finish the editing tonight and will have the show off to the provider of the bandwidth as soon as I am done.  

I know request like this never work (at least it didn't on my other fucking blog) but please leave some Motherfucking comments.  This way i know i am not just typing for my own damn enjoyment.  (maybe if i was less confrontational... Nah you guys are just as lazy as i am).

Also if you wish to email the show then the email is  I know that i am opening myself to a ton of spam now but whatever.

Hope you enjoy the listen.  

I will be putting the show rundown as soon as i finish the editing.

Friday, May 23, 2008

A brand new countdown to a secret crisis

Hi everyone.  I feel a little like Troy McClure but You may know me from such Blogs as Thank God its Wednesday and podcast segments as Good Comic Bad Comic on the Comic Book on the Comic Book Savant Podcast.

My name is TJ and I go by Gardnerisgod on both the Comic Forums and Skype.  

Sometime before my Daughter was born last year i approached James of the Comic Book Savant about doing my own Podcast.  We both thought it would be a great idea.  Here's the rub,  I'm a lazy motherfucker and if I don't have something to kick me in the ass then i will  keep putting things off.  So here enters my idea.  Let me get another person to do the cast with me and they will be the boot to kick me in the Ass.  

So enters Mike, redjakk on the forum. I recalled he mentioned something about wanting to do a podcast.  Well we both have similar ideals and loves.  So the match is perfect.

Then enters the third mic.  My buddy Kevin is a lover of many comics but the problem with him is that he has a real job that keeps him in the City (NYC but then again in my mind that is the only city) until 9 some nights so he won't be available to record when we are.  (plus he is a tech moron that i will have to walk through every little fucking step) So he will be the staple third mic when we can record on Saturdays.  When we record on our regular night we may have a rotating schedule of third mics.

So anyway this podcast will be about Comics, Beer, Movies, and whatever the fuck we want.  It will be on the Comic Book Savants feed so if you're subscribed to that your stuck with us. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!  (do you like what i did there i even made my laugh a comic reference).

So we should be up and running soon Keep your ears peeled